Sunday, July 15, 2007

Thoughts In General

Just think about thoughts, where do they come from other than brain cells and the brain? Think deeply, the brain cells form your thoughts but they're just cells, tiny tiny little cells and of course the more you have the more you know. Now think even deeper, atoms make up everything so brain cells are atoms but how do atoms form thoughts? How is it that electrical charges from every single atom make us perceive our lives? To form a picture, words, even past events in our heads. When we think of a memory the brain cells are sending off tiny electrical charges for us to remember but it's not just cells it's the atoms that make up the cells. So how in fact is this possible, the blood rushing into our heads, the different lobes in our brain, the feelings we feel, and the things we see all help to form our lives, our knowledge, and our thinking process. It's by experiences, it's experiences that produce more brain cells which in fact let's us think but I still don't understand how it's stored into our heads other than what scientists calls memory. But memory is brain cells and brain cells are atoms but what's deeper and smaller than atoms, I don't think we'll truly ever know or understand.

I'm really confusing myself right now but it's what I like to think about.

I talked a while back about this with my best friend and he told me that thoughts in general are unknown from where they originate from, we absolutely do not know where they come from. It's not just brain cells although brain cells are truly a factor but it's not the complete puzzle, I like to believe it's our true souls that allow us and life everywhere to have a thought no matter if that soul is evil or not, this is how it is.